Oct 29, 2010


This is part II of my "HOW I STAY LEAN" series where I will explain more about Intermittent Fasting (IF) and the Paleolithic (Paleo) eating method + attempt to compare, describe and differentiate LeanGains and MDA's Primal Blueprint. If you haven't read the first part yet, do so, and you'll be less likely to write me off as a under nurtured, calorie fobic, trend follower.

The picture above is my Kettlebell ad from my previous college experience...it ended up scaring people away more than attracting so hopefully it works better in this format...


Unlike the South Beach Diet, Weight watchers or the Atkins diet, there are many different versions of Intermittent Fasting (IF) and Paleolithic eating methods. They are both collective names of philosophies of how and what to eat, therefore guidelines and rules might vary.
I get most of my inspiration and information from Martin Berkhan's “LeanGains” (IF) and Mark Sisson's website “Mark's daily apple” and his book the “Primal Blueprint” (Paleo). Both protocols have been extremely useful for me to find my own way of eating to stay lean and healthy.


What does Gandhi, Confucius, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, and Hippocrates have in common? Well, except being some of the brightest, most talented and influential personalities in the history of man kind, they all fasted...longevity, spiritual enlightenment, enhanced mental and physical awareness, purification, tranquility, serenity and peace of mind were all reasons to occasionally stop eat, digest and assimilate nutrients.

Still not convinced thinking the characters above were clueless fools? Well, if you believe that natural, ecologic, raw, unprocessed foods are good for the human body and what our genetic makeup prefers, there's no reason why you shouldn't believe that fasting every now and then also has it's place and benefits. Take a second and think about this. Would it make evolutionary sense if skipping one or two meals automatically made our lean body mass (muscles) deteriorate, fat mass increase and energy levels completely drain? Back in the days, depending on how the hunt went, our ancestor might only got one proper, big meal every other day. Despite all this, the conventional wisdom tells us that fasting cannibalize hard earned muscle tissue, halts metabolism, depletes energy levels and instantly results in bad mood, headache and unwanted personality changes. I'm not saying these symptoms are all made up fantasies and not real signs of hunger or low levels of energy, but at the same time, IF (going without food for +12 hours) has shown to have various positive effects and health benefits, such as improving cholesterol ratios, increase alertness and energy levels, raise mobilization of adipose fat storages (body fat) as a source of energy, increase insulin sensitivity and human growth hormones, promoting protection for certain diseases (diabetes, cancer, etc) and potentially even increase longevity and retard signs of aging.

Martin Berkhan (LeanGains) has done a nice job questioning/debunking some of the most common myths about fasting – READ IT HERE – and you might get a different perspective on frequent meals, muscle loss, skipped breakfasts, etc.

The picture above is not from some kind of shady, underground, anti-wrinkle cream experimental lab – it's from a study on rheus monkeys where one group was fed ab libitum (food available at all times) and the other group was put on a calorie restricting diet. Not drawing any conclusions from one photo or a few animal studies, but in the same way as vaccine functions as a minor stress to make the body stronger and more resistant to disease and inflammation, it's not a shot in the dark to assume that IF might cause a similar, positive stress on the body that forces our bodies to preserve, heal and re-use body cells instead of constantly reproduce and divide, ramping up the body cell waste cycle and therefore also the aging process.


Many people would place the Paleo method in the low-carb-diet (LC-diet) folder (in comparison to diet norms, I guess). So what defines a low-carb diet? I'd say it's subjective, for some, a LC-diet is ketogenic, less than 100 grams of carbohydrates per day. For others, a LC diet has a higher carb load, but the line has to be drawn somewhere and I'd say anything more than 300 grams/day has to be considered a “normal”, or HC-diet (unless you're 250 lbs of lean muscle). Click here to read a very easy comprehendable (and humorous) article by Mark Sisson on carbohydrates, insulin and diabetes...I strongly recommend it...

The paleo diet is designed to control insulin levels, not to be mistaken by a low-carb/low fat-starvation diet with purpose to shred Hollywood celebs to the bone. Since carbohydrates is the only nutrient that effects insulin levels one has to manage the type, amount and quality of consumed carbohydrates to control insulin levels released into the blood stream. Indirectly, maintaining insulin levels in check (avoid feasting on processed carbs) is crucial for successful weight loss, hunger control, insulin sensitivity, anti-inflammation, etc. To make life easier (harder?) the modern society has learned to preserve, modify and even synthetically produce food products so that it's more convenient (and profitable) to consume.
In my opinion, media has given low-carb diets and eating methods (such as Paleo) a bad rep and there are many anti LC-diet spokesmen out there to preach about “the importance of a balance diet”, following FDA guidelines of 60% of energy intake from carbs, etc, etc. For the average man or woman in todays society, I would say that a 60% energy distribution from carbs is highly questionable, even though it's a recommendation given by government institutions all over the world. I think it's time to start accepting what seems to be truth; due to agricultural “advancements” and techniques, methods to preserve, modify and synthetically produce food products to make it more convenient (and profitable) to gorge on, carbohydrates have been over consumed for generations and should in most cases be strictly limited or at least carefully selected for a sound body composition, performance and optimal health and wellbeing. Even if some of us could and still can balance out HC-diets with a high daily physical activity level, sedentary is steadily catching up and backfiring on most of the people in the world's obesity epidemic.

There's countless of research, blogs and sites supporting LC-diets in general and the Paleo method in particular. There's no need for me to re-write something that's already out there...Remember, eating fat doesn't make you fat - carbohydrates drives insulin drives fat (Cahill 1967 Taubes 2007) .


Taking a closer look at the two protocols – Mark Sisson's PB and Martin Berkhan's LeanGains – LeanGains founds its protocol on IF and is pretty darn strict on the eating window, macronutrient distribution and calorie timing for maximal muscle gains with minimal fat gains. On the other hand, LeanGains cares less (compared to the PB) on what you eat during the eating window, taking a far more carb-friendly approach due to the precise calorie timing and the claimed increased insulin sensitivity from the fast. The PB protocol puts a lot more emphasis on what you eat rather then when you eat, looking at the total weekly calorie intake (rather than LeanGains recommendations to balance calorie according to workout/non-workout days and post workout meals) as the determinant factor of calorie balance and therefore weight loss (stating that the body always seeks to achieve homeostasis over time = the total calorie intake/week is what counts).

The two eating methods also has fitness and workout guidelines to complement the eating protocols. LeanGains thrives on a hypertrophy/muscle gain-approach versus PB's more laid back, general fitness advice with recommendations such as “spend less time in the gym, avoid chronic cardio” and “play and have fun”-oriented workouts.

I view PB as more of a lifestyle method for the average Joe, usually middle-age or older, while I can see that LeanGains stereotypically attract males in their twenties or thirties, looking to build lean muscle tissue with minimal accompanying fat gains (hence the name “LeanGains”).
Again, both eating methods/lifestyle philosophies has been great inspirations for me to develop my own eating philosophy and how I eat to stay lean with minimal hassle, care freeness, maximal productivity, pleasure and enjoyment.

Both PB and LeanGains challenges government guidelines and recommendations from classically trained dietitians, mainstream literature on nutrition and what can be seen as “general conventional wisdom”. Some people find their opinions and advice provocative and even flat out dangerous (“self starving”, “leaving your brain dry of energy”, “saturated fats automatically increase the risk of CVD”, etc). But studyin, thinking, feeling and questioning has made me listen, learn and analyze what pioneers like Martin and Mark has to say and I encourage everyone to do the same – be open minded and critical to everything you read. Make sure you understand what's being said, never pull things out of context and mixing messages and methods can end up with a nasty end product (just like mixing different kinds of alcohol – not a good idea unless you know what you're doing). Take your time to read, examine, apply and question – there's a lot of information online and for the most part, it's free. All you need is some genuine interest, brains and time (but unfortunately, neither of that I can give to you...)

That's the end of "HOW I STAY LEAN - part II"...In next post I will wrap it up with a description of my own version and example of meals from an average day in Bangkok...Stay tuned!

Oct 15, 2010

INTERVIEW - Evelina Hammar's take on diets and nutrition

Here's an interview I recently did with Evelina Hammar, fitness profile and competitor, blogger and good friend from Sweden. I asked her questions, specifically about her personal view and experience on diets and nutrition in general. In my profession I see people everyday that struggle with these topics and thought it would be interesting to share the view from a different prespective and a female point of view from someone that knows what it takes!

What a transformation! Evelina's pre and post diet pics July 2009 - December 2009.

What are your advice to find motivation to start a diet?

What led you in the first place to even think of starting a diet? The answer to that question is probably a very good reasons to start dieting.

Do you have any general tips to find motivation when dieting?

On days that feel hard and heavy, ask yourself why you are dieting and look ahead towards the goals. Spend time with loved ones that give you energy and power and not people who take power from you. Believe in yourself and that you are worth only the best and what's best for you!

Do you have tips to maintain a diet for a prolonged period (months)?

Plan your days and weeks of workouts and meals. Always be prepared for unpredictable things to happen - you might not make it home in time to eat, for example. Therefore, always carry a protein drink or snack with you incase of an "emergency".

Do you see a food journal as a necessary part and tool in an effective diet?

I strongly believe somekind of a food plan as a very important part of a diet, to keep track of weight loss and to make changes to reach the stated goals in time. If you know what and when to eat there's less risk for distractions. Planning is the key word in a diet. So for me it is obvious that the diet should be planned in advance.

What do you see as the biggest pitfalls when it comes to sticking to diets and weight loss?

That you for some reason feel sorry for yourself and emotional eating. So remember - it is YOU who chose this, and you probably have chosen it by a very good reason. It is very important to set targets along the way to the final goal. This makes it easier to see changes and that it feels achieveable. However, it is extremely important to set realistic goals, otherwise there is a risk that you will spend much of their diet to reflect and think about whether you are really able to do it or not.

What is your experience with other females and their excuses or mistakes that make them fail a diet?

Above all, it's lack of self confidence and self-beleive. I don't need to ask someone else to answer that question, it's enough to look at myself. I have the desire to lose weight and get in competition-shape, but the motivation that's needed isn't always there, everyday, all the time. It is easy to slip from time to time and go in the refrigerator and pantry for that one snack or two. That's when you need to think a step further - remember the long term goals!
Another excuse is that you do not have time to workout or to plan your meals ahead, etc. But to me that's mostly about ignorance and a non-commited attitude. The most important thing is to draw up a clear plan and vision from the outset in order to have full control of what to do and how to do it!

What do you see as your own personal features that has made you manage to lose weight and compete in fitness/bodybuilding?

I'm very stubborn and resolute once I've made up my mind. I have a clear vision and I will achieve it even if it requires a bit of a struggle sometimes. Achieving goals is so much better if you had to fight for it, right?
On the whole, I believe in myself and what I do and above all it gives me an incredible kick to be in good shape and know that I have done this for myself, nobody else!

What is important to consider in order to maintain the lost weight after a diet?

Not to start eating everything you can come acress as soon as the diet is over. See the diet as a springboard for your new life and new habits, not just a short term way of life. Take with you the knowledge and, hopefully, good feeling you have in your body to live a healthy life even after the diet ends and it will become easier to maintain your weight.

What's your take on the Paleo diet (or other low-carb diets) and low-fat diets?

I have experience in ketogenic diets, sticking to healthy fats. I don't think low-fat diets are good, especially for girls since our bodies are more vulnerable to fat-restricting diets. We need to eat fat in order to burn fat and my experience says that females react more negative to diets with low fat percentages, and it might be easier to slip on such diets too. However, my body responds well to a diet composed of low carbohydrates/high protein/moderate in fat. It's all very individual. But above all I believe in a good balance between the various nutrients then it also becomes more sustainable in the long run.

What's your approximate daily carbohydrate intake (grams / body weight) and energy distribution when dieting?

I change my carb intakes according to the diet progress. Right now I'm approximately eating 1.5 g carbohydrate / kg body weight - 2.5 g protein / kg body weight and approximately 1 g fat / kg body weight.

Normally, what is your daily energy deficit when you're on a diet?

Minus 500 kcal/day

Finally, you have any good punch-lines or slogans to lean against and find strenght during a diet?

"If there's a will there's a way!"


Visit Evelinas blog and homepage - in Swedish - at www.evelinahammar.com, for her insights, daily adventures, workouts, recepies and more!


Oct 14, 2010



After a lot of questions and interest from clients, friends and family I've decided to sum up and explain how I eat and my own take on nutrition in general – working as a Personal Trainer and movement specialist. I made some drastic changes in my eating habits lately and it has definitely caught peoples interest and curiosity to the point that I believe it will be worth sharing.

This is the first post in a series named “HOW I STAY LEAN”.

Enjoy the read...


Publishing this post is not me trying to run a narcissistic self promotion campaign. I'm simply offering an insight in my nutritional daily habits and routines to anyone interested in health and nutrition
For what a large portion of this post is mainly about – IF (intermittent fasting), I think it's important to begin by saying that IF is an eating method that works very well for some people, and not so well with others – just like all the other methods and diets out there today (Atkins, South-Beach, LCHF, etc), IF is not simply a nicer word for a “skip-breakfast-eat-whatever-you-want”-diet, nor is it at destructive form of self-starvation. Whenever weight loss is desired, whatever method you chose to use, discipline, planning and control is absolutely necessary and should never be underestimated. So before jumping on the IF-bandwagon, at least do some research or consult with a professional/someone with experience in the field.

...You wouldn't take advice on how to get rich from a poor man, would you?
This is the form I hoover around, more or less 365 days/year. It's there for motivation and credibility purposes only...


I've always been very active and played many sports growing up and I know that a big part of my low bodyfat maintenance is thanks to the fact that I'm still very active and therefore expend a lot of calories. But my body also compensates that fact, granted my huge appetite (our bodies are programmed for survival and will do anything to keep you from starving. “If you workout a ton you'll eat a ton, too”).
So although my physical activity levels are high I'm also known to be a big eater (my stomach is pretty much a bottom less pit) that forces me to be aware of what I put into my body to maintain a lean physique. This has made me fine tune my discipline and taught me to interpret my body signals and functions and how I respond and react to certain foods. Eating healthy is something I stick with, of course affording an occasional “misstep” and “cheat” (thank you, 80/20 principle) every now and then, again – thanks to my active lifestyle.


Prior to March 2010, I always started my day with a BIG breakfast (700 – 1000 kcal), usually consisting of oatmeal with banana, whole grain bread and turkey breast with cottage cheese, etc. The rest of the day I would eat 3-4 more times, mostly whole grain/high fiber, low fat/low sugar food products (like whole wheat pasta, brown rice, lean meats, unsweetened, fat free yoghurt, etc, etc). My daily macronutrient distribution typically landed around 50% of total energy from carbs, 30% from protein and 20 % from fat sources. Basically, I was following general recommendations and did what is (was?) considered to be the best way to eat – at least according to mainstream and government guidelines.
So far so good, but I still didn't feel I was functioning optimally and therefore decided to take a step back to review my “healthy” eating behaviors. After all, I wouldn't mind finding an easier way to stay lean, without the hassle with planned, small frequent meals.
Searching for an alternative way to eat healthy I gave Intermittent Fasting a try. With claims to be an easier way to stay lean, healthy and strong the method seemed very appealing to me...all but one thing (there's always a “but”)...the fasting part...going for hours without food was not a question for me before but was now a necessity.
So it wasn't without doubts I started my IF experiment back in March, 2010. Now, 7 months later, IF is a staple of my daily routine. It has also lead me to explore other eating methods/philosophies and I'm now more or less also a strict follower of the Paleoletic diet.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) and the Paleolithic (Paleo) diet were no news to me but like I mentioned before, I was ready for a change in my eating habits and looking for a better/easier/more effective method to keep me mentally sharp, healthy, physically fit and productive. First, I read up and most importantly, found motivation and the believe to give IF:ing a fair chance. Initially I began to learn more about my body and its signals, realizing what was mechanical hunger (true hunger) and what was only perceived as hunger (false hunger, from emotional, habitual eating and cravings). I studied cold, hard, facts about the effects of food on the endocrine system (hormones), how habits and emotions triggers people to eat and believe that food solves problems, treats symptoms or heals broken hearts. I read countless of studies and different philosophies on IF (Warrior Diet, Eat Stop Eat, LeanGains, etc) to understand and support my newly found habits. As I was digging deeper into the research of different methods and food styles, the Paleo method sounded more and more like the obvious foundation to create my personal eating philosophy upon. Although combining IF and Paleo with each other is quite logical (if you believe in the evolutionary theory, that is), and that's exactly what Mike Sisson has done, creating his extremely successful Primal Blueprint empire.

Still reading? Cool, but this is it for now. In the next post of “HOW I STAY LEAN” I'll explain more about Intermittent Fasting (IF) and the Paleolithic (Paleo) eating method + give a summary of studies and facts that supports the two methods.

Check back soon!
