Here's a presentation of Hanoi Fitness HIT (High Intensity Training) - an Effective, Fun and Challenging way to stay fit!
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Choose "HITintro", "HITnr1" and "HITnr1jr" which are intro's and examples for you to read, print and follow.
The Hanoi Fitness HIT (High Intensity Training) workout will target all areas of fitness – body composition, balance, muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance, just to name a few. The workouts are designed to keep you on your toes by competing against the toughest opponent you'll ever face in life – yourself. Record and take notes of time, repetitions and/or rounds after every workout and suddenly you'll have a short term specific goal to beat.
The intensity of a HIT workout ranges from high to very high (subjectively) and it requires hard work and a strong mind to perform good numbers and time. But rest assure, you will get back what you put in. The results and amount of time saved from a HIT workout will most definitely be worth the effort!
The HF HIT is NOT a weekly repetitive workout routine. The exercise, form and duration will constantly variate and change, always keeping your body guessing. That prevents muscle adaption and stagnation as well as lack of motivation which makes following the principles of HF HIT a fun and effective way to stay in shape.
Next week I'll be holding the first HIT (High Intensity Training) workout at Gustavus. First, because of my proud scandinavian heritage, I wanted to incorporate "Sweden" in name somehow. But apparently the shortening of Swedish High Intensity Training got voted down for being unpolitically correct...
Visit www.hanoifitness.com for free HIT downloads
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