Yesterday, my routinely USA Today's "Life"-section check hit jackpot. Every now and then they publish health and fitness articles on interesting topics. Here you'll find the link to the article (or take a peak at the picture above), hopefully opening up eyes to people across US about the often neglected (forgotten?) importance of running technique (in this case Chi Running) (see all my previous posts POSE METHOD of Running, etc, etc).
On the other hand, I don't think the content of the article is very good, after all. And as always, with brief information given (e.g. "land on your forefoot") there's a great risk that the reader leaves out crucial iformation, like the old saying goes: "a little knowledge is dangerous".
I also found it ridicilous how the Pose Method of Running first of all is hardly mentioned in the article, second is being bad mouthed as "a technique invented by the Russians in the 80's" which makes it sound like some form of dirty, cold-war strategy developed so that the Soviet union could take over the world (when in fact it is the mother of running methods that was developed by a sports scientists named Nicholoas Romanov who just happened to be born in Russia and taught at University of Moscow back in the 70's. Dr.Romanov has then been living in USA since the 80's - coaching Olympic athletes and triatheles all over the world).
Now, one might wonder what the difference is between Chi Running and the Pose Method? I'll try to give my view of that question in a near future.
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