Jun 13, 2010


This is me (and my two, much faster, running amigos), about a week ago, prior to Stockholm Marathon.

Here's where I ran today, on the beach in Hua Hin, finishing with a swim in the Gulf of Thailand (and the circle is complete).

Running on sand with my Vibram's was a pleasure although I quickly realized I had to stay out of the water since my feet started to slide around in my shoe with to much water.

Staying true to the Pose technique was not easy when the sand was soft or uneven where I felt I started to drive my knees higher (loosing hamstring activity and instead using hipflexors and quads = a huge no-go). But at some parts of the beach the tide allowed me to run on more packed sand banks and I really noticed that surface kept my oscillation (vertical motion) to a minimum (nice constant bend in my joints) and in order not to dig my feet to deep into the sand, my landings were soft and had a quick change of support (high cadence/stride rate).

Another great benefit I saw with running in sand is the possibility to backtrack and analyze footprints to get a good look your own stride patterns. I think this is also a great way to introduce or explain how the Pose Method works for people, and why heelstriking isn't recommended in running. Even thinking of where the energy would transfer when heelstriking in sand is obvious, all energy goes straight down to the ground, resulting in the heels being buried in the sand. Not a very efficient way of running, but at least the sand absorbs most of the impact and not your body, like it would on a more solid surface...I'm looking forward to many runs this summer, on the beach in my VFF's and barefoot in the grass.

Now, some world cup action is calling!

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