Today I secured a spot at the 2010 IDEA Fitness Fusion Conference in Chicago, April 22-25th, one of the biggest and most comprehensive conventions for fitness professionals in the world!
I'm really looking forward to this event that I'm sure will be very inspiring a learning experience - I can't explain how excited I am about this!
During the IDEA Pre-conference (Thursday 22nd) I will also get my TRX Group Training Instructor Certification. The TRX is a very versatile, mobile piece of equipment (similar to the gymnastic rings I have used in my training) that I'm planning to use a lot in future sessions (group or individual settings). I have keept my eye on this course for a while so I'm looking foward to that as well, of course.
Click here to view the full conference schedule!
I promise pictures will be taken and reviews will be posted after that weekend! Three weeks to go - the countdown has begun!
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