I read this article in Twin Cities Pioneer Press yesterday and found this one from New York Times, published January 8th, earlier this year.
They both touch on topics that has been brought up previously in this blog, such as "back to basics", functional, high intensity training, intermittent fasting and barefoot running, etc, etc.
Clearly, there's a trend to go by the "caveman theme" nowadays and although some of the examples in the articles are a bit extreme (ex. running barefoot and shirtless through NYC in freezing temperatures), they bring up some inspiring and interesting points.
I will soon follow up with a post of research and studies on Intermittent Fasting...I'm well over two weeks in on trying the eating philosophy and my first "checkpoint" to test my strength/bodyfat/weight/performance is coming up in about 10 days or so.
Stay tuned!
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