I have to admit I'm feeling a bit nervous but mostly excited for today's race through the streets of Stockholm. For the first time ever, over 20.000 (20.136) runners have signed up to run Stckholm Marathon - making it the 5th biggest in Europe, and it's taking place today, June 5th.
The weather forecast looks promising, 20 degrees celsius, sunny with a light breeze.
Here are a few pics from the "pasta party", carb-loading event last night:
Since this is my first Marathon I don't really have a goal in terms of time (although under 4 hours would be cool). And considering my preparations have been very limited, I'm deciding to lay low.
(Unofficially, the guy I'm looking to beat today, the only thing that matters)
Today's assignment is to fix a new battery to my heart rate monitor transmitter (pulse band). And - almost forgot - to run 42.195 meters too.
/"1597" - follow me online (my alias is "Erik Ritzell")
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