Feb 20, 2010


I had a great workout in the gym today...For the first time in weeks, I went through a round of HIT (High Intensity Training - read my previous post on HIT or visist my website to learn more about HIT principles). Lately I've been training more long-duration, low repetitions using heavy weights to increase my maximum strength. But considering how rewarding it felt after only 15-20 minutes in the gym today, with endorphines rushing through my body and a great feeling of accomplishment, I will definitely be doing more HIT rounds coming weeks.

Today's workout:

MAGIC 50's:

5 rounds of...

5 Kettlebell snatch (One arm)
5 KB snatch (One arm)
5 KB swings (One arm)
5 KB swings (One arm)
10 burpees
...rest 60 seconds between each round

I used kettlebells for this particular HIT (24 kg KB snatch, 32 kg KB swing), but dumbbells works just as good.

I got inspiration for this particular HIT from the American based trainer Ross Enamait and his website www.rosstraining.com (check it out - he's got some intresting articles and tips as well as workout videos displaying his superhuman strength).

Please leave a comment or click here to contact me if you'd like more info on Hanoi Fitness HIT.

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