Feb 5, 2010


“- Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate”. - Charles Schultz (creater of "Peanuts")

Ok, to officially start of this blog I've chosen to post my my personal view and advice to people that want's to make a lifestyle change...

When starting a new workout routine or opting to take on a healthier lifestyle, aim to make small but smart changes progressively over time. Don't put too much pressure on yourself in the startup phase or make a drastic lifestyle change that you can't maintain. TV shows where they clean out the fridge and literally force feeds the participant with seaweed certainly makes "good" TV but doesn't exactly promote healthy eating.
In most cases, if you're trying to break a bad habit (like inactivity or too much fast food), it's better to start off nice and easy and allow yourself to discover that being healthy truly pays off in all aspect and areas in life. Eventually the healthy lifestyle will become a natural part of your life and simply something you wouldn't want to live without.

Makes sense to you? Feel free to leave a comment...

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