Mar 29, 2010


Ok, after several posts about nutrition I guarantee this is by far the most controversial and perhaps the most interesting and bound breaking so far. And with that said, I'm pretty sure my Nutrition professor would be furious if she read this post...

Like the title reveals, the topic will be Intermittent Fasting. I first heard about Intermittent Fasting (IF) about 2 years ago. Back then I didn't really dive in to any research or facts, I thought it sounded a bit to controversial so I basically just took a mental note that it was out there. Now, being a student, I'm studying and reading more about nutrition than ever before and IF has really caught my attention. The method can be perceived as being provocative and challenges many of the mainstream, cookie cutter, routines that are generally recommended for healthy eating.
After some thorough research (although few controlled human studies on IF has been done) I have decided to give this controversial eating method a fair shot (starting with fasting about 17 hours, eating window for about 7 hours/24 hours).
I'm currently on Day 2 of my "IF tryout" and so far so good. More background info on Intermittent Fasting and my own thoughts and feelings about the method will follow soon...

Stay posted!


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