Mar 31, 2010


This question is hard to cover in one short post, but I'll do my best.

Google "intermittent fasting" and Wikipedia will tell you several approaches and variations to the eating method/philosophy/diet. The second Google-hit on "intermittent fasting" is the blog, one of my biggest sources of inspiration and the deciding factor that really made me wanna try IF.

Martin Berkhan, the guy behind, is a Personal Trainer and nutritional consultant from Sweden. He possess an astonishing physique, incredible relative strength and a solid client history with testimonials that would even make the Swedish celebrity PT Gunnar Peterson jealous.

Now, I'm sure I'll find many more reasons to pump Martin's tires in coming posts - back to the question; "What is IF?"...

Simply put, IF is a way of distributing your meals, alternating between fasting/eating and this can be done in many different ways.
I've chosen to try a 7 hour eating window followed by 17 hours fasting (starting to eat around 2 pm - finish at 9pm and only consume water until 2 pm the next day).

IF allows you to eat bigger meals than calorie restricting "frequent meal"-methods (like most diets and recommendations you'll find today).

In one way, IF follows in line with the Paleothic diet, mimicing the "hunt-feed-fast-hunt" cycle (assuming cavemens didn't have refrigirators to store food back then).

Some IF-followers also believe the method has a more relaxed way of watching the consumption of processed, simple carbohydrates (due to increased insuline sensitivity) and that's something that definitely could make losing weight easier, both psychologically and practically.

This is it for me today. My "eating window" is currently open and I'm gonna make the most of it=)

Want more definitions and info about IF (more and less subjective)?
Check out "Patrick D's Training Journal" or "Inhuman Experiment"


1 comment:

  1. This is similar to the Warrior Diet that I found while I was browsing for books online. I'm trying it right now, although your version of IF sounds much better - the eating window is open for much longer! The daily fasting's unsettling for sure, and I'm waiting to see if I will last when I start working out again. Looking forward to your next post on how it went for you!
