Mar 20, 2010


Here's a short video clip (with questionable quality...) from yesterdays workout using my new iPod Nano videocamera. I can definitely recommend filming yourself from different views and angles when lifting weights and running. It's very helpful to see your own technique (that's really what the mirrors in the gym are for folks!) and of course I think it's fun to watch too.

I'm working on a little pushup/handstand composition and this is about how far I've gotten. If I can put something cool together soon I'll spend more editing a film.
Now I need to give my wrists and shoulders a break from this plyometric, high impact type of training for a few days. Planche pushup is next on the list to conquer but my weight (190 lbs) does not work in my favor...

What's your goal when you workout?

Stay strong!

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