Mar 10, 2010


I've had a very busy schedaule last couple of days and haven't really got enough sleep I could tell today. Anyhow, I conducted my own HIT workout and here's how it looked:

20 - 15 - 10 - 5 repetitions (4 rounds total) of:

150% BW Deadlift (275 lbs)
Pull ups
Lateral lunge + 20 kg Kettlebell high pull

Time: 18 min 30 sec.

Definitely not a time that will make it to the "hall of fame" but ok considering I was debating whether or not I should workout at all today. Sometimes it can be very foolish to deny when your body is telling you to rest but I today I knew I just had to "wake up". And like a letter in the mail, I feel more energized now than earlier - what an amazing effect a workout can have!

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